Sunday 10 December 2017

Final update for this trip - Sun 10th Dec

Quick update before I leave Uganda on Tuesday...
Firstly I want to thank everyone for their love, support and prayers during these last three months.
I am so thankful that I have been kept safe and well.
It is always bitter sweet saying goodbye...I am so excited to see my family but will be sad to say goodbye to all the children. The tears have started already...but will be followed by happy ones as I am reunited with my lovely family...God willing on Wednesday morning, if flights go according to plan
I don't feel like writing much so let me just leave you with some photos...
Thanks again for all the love and prayers. . . Love from Ruth xxx 

Update and prayer request Sat 9th Dec

Please pray for this precious little boy Shaban...I just found him in the slums this morning (Sat 9 Dec). His foot had been run over by a taxi/mini bus. He has been admitted to clinic and will stay there for a month. What breaks my heart more than the foot, is that he is all alone. Please pray for him. I apologise for the grotty photo....but this is the reality of street life. 

Saturday 2 December 2017

And the photos...

A quick wee update...

Just a quick wee update this week, as I am running about as much as ever trying to fit things in before I come home...

Last night I had a meal with the sponsor ‘boys’ for two of my friends from back home.  They were very appreciative of their ‘last supper’ and we enjoyed our time together.  I am so thankful for them – they always make me laugh! Please pray for Moses and Kennedy though as they face some challenges. 

I had the opportunity on Thursday to go with one of my Ugandan friends, Betty, to visit her family.  This was such a blessing and we have many funny stories to tell from this day...including being asked by a complete stranger in the taxi about my bowel movements!

I enjoyed visiting Zalika at her home this week to do some English with her, though finding her house is always a challenge.  Every time I get lost. They live next to the swamp but every time I take a wrong turning and nearly end up in the swamp!

I continue to love my little healing hearts group.  I will be sorry to say goodbye to them as we have become close.  I am so thankful for the wonderful material that I have been using and just pray it is touching their lives in small ways. 

I continue to frequent the dentist and the clinics – I think they may go bankrupt when I come home!

Please continue to remember Dennis in the slums.  We spent some time together on Wednesday.  I am pursuing a different organisation currently, one which Dennis feels more comfortable with, to see if there are any openings and opportunities with them.  Dennis said to me on Wednesday that he felt in his heart that next year, 2018, was going to be a year of change.  Let’s pray this comes to pass.

I had the pleasure of visiting a lovely American lady yesterday and seeing some of the work that she is involved in.  She has a small shelter for street boys in a nearby town.  She asked me to prepare a wee lesson on Scotland for the boys, so I went all out and put my tartan leggings on!  The concept of kilts caused much hilarity!  It was such an encouraging and refreshing visit.     

Today’s activities have included; killing a cockroach using a child’s shoe, transferring a rabbit from A to B (holding it by the ears) and a marriage proposal from a random Boda driver...every day holds something new!

Thanks for your love, support and prayers x