Saturday 25 March 2017

A final wee word...

Another brief update this week, as I will soon be able to update you in person.  Leave Uganda on Thursday, get back home on Friday.  It is bitter sweet, I have already started crying at the prospect of leaving the children I have come to know and love, but also cannot wait to see my mum, dad, Claire and her family and of course Harley, our beloved dog.  Apparently Harley has continued to go into my bedroom each morning to look for me, despite the fact that it is approaching 3 months, bless him.

Another busy week since I blogged last.. photos and prayer points this week!
Baking Ugandan style for visiting the kids in Boarding school, so hygenic working on the floor, alongside the flies!

They are called 'daddys' - I have no idea why, but are sweet, fried things!

Cindy sweazy and their puppy!

Had fun with the Sweazy kids on Monday - it is amazing what you can create using pipe cleaners and beads!

Visiting kids in boarding

105 mosquito nets on the boda!

Talking to the daycare kids about the importance of using a mosquito net, prior to issuing them with their nets!

Lots of exciting colours to be had!

Bless them - lets hope and pray these nets are put to good use

Took little Jordan to visit his mum, Joan, in boarding school this week.  Joan is in the pink.  Impressed I managed two bags of shopping and a two year old on a boda - think I am getting better!

I visited Open Hands to Serve.  Craft groups and saving groups.  It was a blessing.

Lots of new crafts will be coming home in my suitcase this time.

Visiting Isaac's mum and brother in the village

Isaac, our friend and boda driver, with his mum and youngest brother

Thank you so much for your continued prayer, support and love.

Update from this week - dentist returned to work on children's teeth - praise the Lord!

Please continue to pray for all the dear children who are a part of RUHU.

I am so thankful for safety and good health during my trip - such a blessing!

I feel terribly selfish asking you to pray for me, but those of you who know me well will know how I hate flying - please pray for the journey back home!

Funny story to finish on yesterday I was visting craft/savings groups in Jinjja with two lovely new friends, Betty and Brian.  We left our last group, which was in quite a remote location.  Brian went ahead on a boda and Betty and I followed behind on a second boda.  It was very picturesque as we drove through sugar plantations in the sunshine.  However, our boda just cut out suddenly.  I asked Betty if he had just run out of petrol, to which she laughed.  We had.  What happened next was the most bizarre thing ever.  Betty and I stepped off the boda, the driver laid the motor cycle down on the ground and gave it a shoogle.  He then stood it back upright, opened the petrol gauge - spat into it and then we were off!  The combination of shoogling and spitting took us as far as the main road, where we got our bus.  Quite remarkable! 

Lots of love xxx

Thank you once again to all those who have been such a support these last few months x


  1. Look forward to hearing your stories soon and seeing you at easter. Lots of love xxx

  2. Good story to end final blog with. Loved it. Could only happen in Africa. These boda drivers are so smart.

  3. Great to see all the pictures and hear some of the stories.Maybe we could use less petrol here and more and prayers XXX
