Friday 13 October 2017

Another busy week in Uganda!

I hope this blog finds you all well.  Thank you once again for your prayers, love and support, which are sustaining me.

It has been another busy week since I last blogged, so I will try to summarise significant bits so I don't bore you!

I have enjoyed spending some time this week with my aunt and uncle's sponsor Brendah.  Last saturday she had her visitation day at boarding school.  It was lovely to spend some time with her and encourage her before she sits her O levels.  Today there was a lovely service at her school to pray for and bless the children before they sit their exams.  It was a very special times I hadn't a clue what was going when the kids brought in a live chicken and a big branch of green bananas and presented them to the priest. Those of you who know me well will know that I don't particularly like live chickens, but thankfully he kept his distance!

On Monday it was independance day.  I had a lovely morning with Isaac's family and then spent some time with the kids at safe house.  They seemed to enjoy the cake/soda and enjoyed dancing and singing to the songs on my laptop. Lottie and Jamie love 'Walking Walking' - it was a big hit here too!

On Monday afternoon we held our first savings group at the local church, for the maamas and aunties of our daycare kids.  The meeting was due to start at 2pm. 2pm came and went and we had no one.  I was feeling a bit discouraged to be honest.  However, by 3;30pm we were good to go with 12 members! This was really encouraging.  I thank my friend Brian for facilitating this group and I pray it would be a good way to reach out to the families of our kids, in practical and spiritual ways.

During my last trip I mentioned Fred often, as he took up much of my time.  On Tuesday I went with him for  areview meeting at the mental hospital/institute.  He has made some progress but still has  a long journey to go on.  I am so thankful for the doctor that we met with.  My previous experiences at this institution have not been pleasant, but amidst the horrendous-ness of this place, this doctor showed some kindness and compassion - which was encouraging!

We had some visitors in our compound on Tuesday when I returned from the hospital -  2 monkeys!  This was a first, have never seen them before and haven't seen them since.  It's small things like this that remind you that you are in a foreign land!

So I left my monkey friends and headed into the slums with one of the RUHU social workers.  She is now my slum friend, now that our boys are back in school.  We had a great time on Tuesday.  We spent much time talking with people and praying with people.  I meet lots of people that I have never met before and will possibly never meet again.  One of the most interesting interactions was probably with this older woman and a group of older boys/young men.  They asked me to pray for them and went down on bended knees in the dirt.  They told me after that I was different from the other muzungus and that they could tell that I had the power of Christ in me.  I don't know whether they were drunk or not - but this was encouraging all the same and I was able to point them towards God.
Shortly after I was offered some 'weed' by a passer by - I declined needless to say!

On Thusday I was speaking with a young girl in slums, called Jackie.  She is probably about 12.  It breaks my heart when I think about all the children on the street but my heart aches particularly for these young girls, as they are so so vulnerable.  Jackie has good English and was not off her head on drugs, like many of the kids, so we were able to ahve a good conversation.  I asked her whereabouts she slept and she pointed over to the shipping containers and said that she climbed up on top of them to sleep, but that it was cold up there.  She seems a sensible girl, full of potential.  Please pray for her.  My heart breaks for her.  As an organisation RUHU are not in a position just now to take in any more kids, so please pray for her.

Please continue to remember my little healing hearts group.  I hope that the little I can do reminds these kids of their worth and value.

This afternoon I was asked by one of the social workers to go with him to try and convince a school refuser to come back to school.  He had been previously and had had no joy.  After chatting and praying with this little P5 girl, in addition to taking juice and biscuits as a bribe!, she agreed to come back to school on Monday.  Please pray that she comes and wasn't just saying this to please us.  She is struggling academically and this is why she doesn't want to come to school, so I have offered that when I have time i will sit in class with her and give her some support - that's if I understand the work of course - some of the stuff they teach is way beyond me!

Right....I haven't proof read....even though I always tell my kids to, but am going to post this quickly whilst I have power and internet.  Will deal with photos after, if power allows.

Thanks again for everything.  Couldn't do what I do, if it wasn't for your love and prayers xxx    

I have only had two trips to the clinic this week - which is encouraging! The children in boys home and girls home are now sleeping under mosquito nets - I bought and hung them this week, with the help of maama Faith.  It was not a pretty sight as I clambered up on the bunk beds, dirty and dripping in sweat!  But they have their nets now.  Let's pray they sleep under them and they help us fight the mosquitoes and the malaria!


  1. Lottie and Jamie had walking walking on this afternoon! Lots of love from us all xxx

  2. Will make copies to distribute at church as usual.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. So good to read your latest news. Very thankful that it seems to have been a better week for you and so encouraging with the savings group. Good to hear about Fred too and to see the mosquito nets in situ. Probably just as well that you didn't post a photo of the hanging process 😉 Praying for strength and stamina for you and a real awareness of God's presence in all you do and to all you meet. Xxx

  5. So glad the savings group is off to a good start. What an encouraging experience in the slums. You have such a varied time there! Praying for Jackie and those in the slums and that RUHU's capacity to help people grows. Also praying the healing hearts group continues to go well and the girl continues with school and does well. What an answer to prayer regarding the nets! Yay!
