Saturday 7 October 2017

Update 6th October

Still having major laptop and blog issues so will just post a little update here with some pictures.
Another busy week. I am currently in town waiting to meet my best friend's sponsor boy. He is not a wee boy now, he has actually finished school. I instructed him that we would meet at 1pm muzungo time, not African time, so we will see.
Am thankful for your prayers and love. I am feeling somewhat better than last week. I visited the surgery again and got some new tablets this week. I actually feel like a junkie as I have been popping so many pills since I came! But thankful I am improving.
Trauma healing is continuing to go well. These are always very special moments during my week. One of my girls, Lillian, is so sweet and appreciative. She keeps bringing me gifts, like bracelets and hair clips. I don't know where she is getting them from and probably best not to ask!
Checked on my sponsor boy, Davis, this week. He is settling in well to his new school. Thankful for this.
More trips to clinic this week with the kids. Soon I think I will be able to take blood, remove teeth and insert IV lines by myself! A surreal experience at the clinic this week. The child that was having her blood taken was terrified. I told her it was best not to look but she insisted. Just as the doctor inserted the needle the power went off and we were plunged into darkness! That made sure she didn't look. Was like a comedy as the nurse got out his mobile phone to find the torch and I was then on torch duty for the rest of the procedure!
Returned a couple of boys to school this week, which is always encouraging!
It is actually now half nine in the evening and I am just finishing this post. Whilst in this lovely café for lunch with sponsor boys (they turned up on time btw)my rucksack was stolen. This gave me a terrible fright, as my mum and dad will testify to, as I phoned them in tears. But the reality is that I am safe and well and the things in the bag were just things. I thank God I am safe and I also thank my lovely friends, Wanda Sweazy, Natasha Sweazy and Charlton Sweazy for their love this evening. They have had a tough few weeks, but they could not have been kinder to me. Their wee boy asked me where I was going to sleep tonight and I replied, hopefully my own room - if we could break in or find a spare key. Their sweet little daughter offered to share her bed with me, bless her. And I also thank God for Seruwagi Isaac, my dear friend and boda driver, for driving me for free when I was penniless!
There is never a dull moment here a crazy ride home in the dark. I had to get off the boda and get pulled up a steep, steep embankment by two random Ugandan men in the dark as the boda got heaved up by several others!
Thanks again for your love and prayers. It means so much. Whilst today was tough there is so much to be thankful for, it is all relative.
Love from Ruth xxxx


1 comment:

  1. Glad your health is improving, praying it continues to do so. Its great the trauma healing is going well and so soon and Davis has settled into school. That's amazing the lights went out so the patient didn't see. How terrible having your rucksack was stolen. Your eternal perspective is remarkable! Praying for you xxx
